Tuesday, August 19, 2023   
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Share a photo, create a drawing, cartoon, or painting, write an essay, share a link, a thought, an image, or simply an emotion. Create a work of your imagination. Tell us a story, give us a line, make a metaphor, express a hope, realize a dream. It takes all of us together to re-imagine the world, and to create the connections needed by the human family.

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Editor's Choice of Images

Editor at Soldier's Heart

Bicycling Across America to Support “Soldier’s Heart”

THANK YOU to WAYNE COSTE of Tariffville, Conn. who spent 64 days during the summer of 2007 bicycling coast to coast on behalf of Soldier's Heart!  Averaging 65 milies per day, Wayne traveled 4,200 miles raising funds for Soldier's Heart and awareness of Post Trumatic Stress Disorder.
Our deep appreciation for the gift of his physical endurance and his...

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John Roth

A Little Girl Who's Never Been to Epcot Center

This is a little girl I met in Sinjar, Iraq.  She was wearing an Epcot Center shirt and she had never been there.  The photo captures the innocence I saw in every child that ran around the streets of the war torn country.

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