
Wayne Goes Cycling!
In mid June, Tariffville resident Wayne Coste began a 4,200 mile, coast-to-coast bicycle trip across America to raise money and awareness of veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. In 64 days, he will traverse 13 states and a Canadian province, averaging 65 miles per day, under his own power.
See Wayne and his bicycle!
Download Wayne's flyer!
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Information on upcoming retreats and other events.
A sermon by Ed Tick
Stop the Hate (PDF)
Soldier’s Heart, a term coined at the time of the Civil War to describe Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, is a grass-roots healing project for at-risk veterans based on War and the Soul.
Since his book hit the shelves in November 2005, author Ed Tick has been touring the country talking about the psycho-spiritual needs of veterans when they return home from war. The key to healing, says Ed Tick, is in how we understand PTSD. He redefines PTSD as an identity disorder with radical implications for therapy. First, Tick establishes the traditional context of war in mythology and religion. Then he describes in depth PTSD in terms of identity issues. Finally, he presents ways to nurture a positive warrior identity based in compassion and forgiveness.
Soldier’s Heart prepares communities to support troops returning from war and all other veterans with an emphasis on tradition, psychology, and spirituality for warrior homecoming and healing. Soldier’s Heart offers a series of experiential veterans’ return retreats to address the unique needs of veterans and at the same time train professionals and clergy to help returnees. Areas to be addressed are identity issues, homecoming and warriorhood. Retreats are open to all veterans and their support networks. For more information on dates and locations, click here. Our staff is available to educate communities in offering support services for veterans and families in their own hometowns. Soldier’s Heart also sponsors a mentor program for seasoned veterans to mentor new returnees.
For more information, .
Soldier’s Heart is a project under the nonprofit 501(c)(3) International Humanities Center. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to support our veterans’ programs. Checks can be made out to Soldier’s Heart/IHC and mailed to Soldier’s Heart, PO Box 8564, Albany, NY 12208 or to donate securely online, please click here.
Ed Tick, executive director of Soldier's Heart and author of "War and the Soul", speaks from the heart on this 90 minute video on returning home from war.
Praise for “War and the Soul”…“Speaking as a war veteran, I do believe Ed Tick’s heart has seen what my eyes have seen.”
-Robert Reiter,
Military Order of the Purple Heart Foundation
Click Here to See Video
Ed Tick, executive director of Soldier's Heart and author of "War and the Soul", has recorded an hour long interview on Wisconsin Public Radio. The interview can be accessed in the archives. www.wpr.org/merens
The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 16 percent (one in eight) of returning Iraq veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Such vets typically can’t hold jobs. They are incapable of intimacy, creative work, and self-realization. Some can’t leave the house because they are afraid they will kill or be killed.
The key to healing, says psychotherapist Ed Tick, is in how we understand PTSD. In war’s overwhelming violence the true self flees and can become lost for life. He redefines PTSD as an identity disorder with radical implications for therapy. First, Tick establishes the traditional context of war in mythology and religion. Then he describes PTSD as an identity issue and a soul wound. Finally, he presents ways to nurture a positive identity based in compassion and forgiveness.
War and the Soul will change the way we think about war, for veterans and for all those who love and want to help them. It shows how to make the wounded soul whole again. When this work is achieved, PTSD vanishes and the veteran can truly return home.