These retreats provide veterans, family members, helping professionals and all who care an opportunity to learn practical ways of integrating healing strategies into relationships and practices. For info on scholarships for veterans, contact us at or 518-274-0501 X10.
These retreats offer a non-religious, spiritual approach to healing.
Soldier's Heart also offers Healing Journeys to Viet Nam. Click here for details.
Click here for Soldier's Heart events calendar
March 12-15
Soldier's Heart Level I Training Retreat
Franciscan Spirit and Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road, Pittsburgh, PA
Led by Kate Dahlstedt, MA, LMHC, and Roger Brooke, PhD.
A Level I Training is intended for people who work with vets in a counseling or mentoring capacity. Participants will learn more about the historical, cultural, and psychological significance of the warrior archetype; consider the importance of ritual in making sense of life-changing experiences; and study the critical elements of creating a safe environment for the sharing of profound emotions.
Cost: $795, includes tuition, room and meals.
Registration: To register, contact or call 518.274.0501.
April 16-19
Soldier's Heart Healing Retreat
Beersheba Assembly, 55 Hege Avenue, Beersheba Springs, TN
Led by Kate Dahlstedt, MA, LMHC, and Don McCasland, LMSW-CCTP.
For all who wish to heal the impact of war on themselves, their families, and our nation.
Cost: $795, includes tuition, room and meals. (Low income veteran scholarships available. We do not cover transportation.)
Registration: To register, apply for a veteran scholarship, or donate so that a veteran may attend, contact or call 518.274.0501.
May 22-25
Restoring the Soul After War:
A Memorial Day Retreat
Rowe Retreat Center, 22 Kings Hwy, Rowe, MA 01367
Led by Edward Tick, PhD & Kate Dahlstedt, MA, LMHC.
This retreat honors the original spirit and meaning of Memorial Day, and is for all who wish to heal the impact of war on themselves, their families, and our nation. For pricing information and to register for the retreat, contact Rowe at 413. 339.4954 or visit the Rowe website.